ILC 2022 APP
The Congress is being organized by IAL and IADVL with the support of Central Leprosy Division (CLD), NLEP, MoH FW, Govt of India; under the auspices of International Leprosy Association (ILA). A number of international leprosy stakeholders like WHO, ILEP, LEPRA, Sasakwa leprosy initiative, TLMI, NLR , HKNS, IAE, GLRA INDIA, AIFO and SAKSHAM have already agreed to be the official partners of this congress.
The 21st ILC will be held in India from 8th to 11th November 2022 at the prestigious HITEX Exhibition and Convention Center & HICC- Novotel, Hyderabad. The Congress will be held in a Hybrid Model with both physical and web-based sessions which allows more than 130 hours of scientific sessions with the ability to accommodate over 2,500 physical delegates, and unlimited virtual participation. It plans to focus on the major breakthroughs and advances in various aspects of leprosy such as diagnostics, therapy, epidemiology, and their impact on clinical practice and management of leprosy.