idowa24 APP
From the city council meeting to Gäubodenvolksfest
With the idowa24 app, you read your messages directly to your smartphone. Here are the photos from Gäubodenvolksfest and the Landshut Wedding, the current game of your favorite team, the latest decision from the City Council and all the important information from sport, business and culture. As a subscriber, you have full access to all articles, as a non-subscriber, you can read some of the messages.
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Straubinger Tagblatt / Landshuter Zeitung
The media group Straubinger Tagblatt / Landshuter Zeitung standing with their home expenses in Lower Bavaria, Upper Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate for quality journalism for over 150 years. Our products include not only the daily newspapers and advertising papers, numerous special publications and various digital offerings.
All home editions of the Media Group at a glance:
• General Laber newspaper for Geiselhöring, Mallersdorf-Pfaffenberg, hemlock and Langquaid
• Bogener newspaper for the district of Straubing-Bogen
• Cham newspaper for the area around Cham, Roding, Rötz Waldmünchen and Furth im Wald
• Danube indicator for the space around Deggendorf, Plattling and Osterhofen
• Danube-mail for the city and county Regensburg, Neutraubling and Woerth an der Donau
• Hallertau newspaper for the area around Mainburg, Rudelzhausen and Au in der Hallertau
• Kötztinger newspaper for Kötzting, Viechtach, Eschlkam, Lam and rain
• Landauer newspaper for Landau an der Isar, Pilsting, Eichendorf and Simbach
• Landshut newspaper for the city and county Landshut, Altdorf, Ergolding, Rottenburg an der Laaber, Ergoldsbach
• Moosburger newspaper for the area around Moosburg
• Plattlinger indicator for the area Plattling and Osterhofen
• Rottenburger indicator as part of the Landshut newspaper
• Straubinger Tagblatt for the city and district Straubing-Bogen
• Vilsbiburger newspaper for the area around Vilsbiburg, Velden, Bodenkirchen and Neumarkt
• Viechtacher indicator for the room Viechtach