Tachi Apps APP
- Tutorial Menggambar (Drawing)
- AutoSync Backup & Restore
- Menu utama: Rilis terbaru, rekomendasi, riwayat baca, favorit
- Menu Baca: Mode Satu Halaman dan Perhalaman
- Menu Tipe: Genre dan jenis (manga,manhwa,manhua)
- Menu lainnya: Spoiler, lapor gambar rusak dan clear cache
By using this apps, you must agreed with terms and conditions
1. Due to copyright (Tutorial Drawing as Example for Learning), not all manga available in all regions.
2. Tachi Apps does not own or host any content. It simply aggregates links in a convenient, user-friendly interface. Please email any questions or concerns to us.
* Membership service Removed (Penghapusan metode memberhsip)