House 2 APKCasa 2 APKДом 2 APKNhà 2 APKเฮ้าส์ 2 APKبيت 2 APKEv 2 APKMaison 2 APKHaus 2 APK집이 2 APKハウス2 APKHuis 2 APKDom 2 APKघर 2 APK2楼 APK
Belajarlah untuk mengenali nama-nama barang yang ditemukan di sebuah rumah di berbicara bahasa Inggris.
I just adore, your new front door. Be careful not to bump your head, when you sit up in a bunk bed. Can you foretell, who'll ring your bell? Can you see me, on your TV? This is an educational game to help you recognize the names of items found in and around a house in spoken English. Each item has an associated rhyme which gives an example of the word in action and helps you to remember how to use the word yourself in English conversation. Ideal for students learning to speak English either as a first or a second language.
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