Decibel Meter - Sound Meter APP
Decibel Meter is an application for your Android phone that allows you to determine the sound level in decibels.
The main sources of noise in an urban environment are:
1. Street - cars, motorcycles, trains, airplanes;
2. Industrial - working noise in factories;
3. Household - shops, garages, schools, discos;
4. Home - TV, speech, household appliances.
How the Decibel Meter Sound Meter works:
Sound is a random vibration. They are picked up by your mobile device's microphone and converted from audio to electrical in the app. This allows you to isolate noise of a strictly defined frequency and carry out only their measurements. After processing the data, the signal is transmitted to your phone. The value of the electrical signal will correspond to the value of the sound volume in decibels, and it is displayed on the graph in the Sound level meter application.
Sound Meter Features:
-Displays the decibel on the scale
-Show the current noise value- Display the minimum / average / maximum values in decibels
- Display decibels on graph, easy to understand
We made this app so you can save on buying professional sound level meters that cost several hundred dollars. At the same time, we have made a beautiful, simple design so that you get a sleek and extremely user-friendly device with an intuitive interface.
Noise levels in decibels according to the American Academy of Audiology (DB):
140 Shots, fireworks
130 - Jackhammers, Ambulance
120 - Jet planes take off
110 - Concerts, Car horns
100 - Snowmobiles
90 - Power tool
80 - Alarms
70 - Travel, vacuum cleaners
60 - normal conversation
50 - moderate rainfall
40 - Silent Library
30 - Whisper
20 - Leaves rust
10 - Respiratory
To monitor noise sources, download the Sound Meter app.
If you have any problems, questions or suggestions, we are always happy to help. Just send us an email to
How the Decibel Meter Sound Meter works:
Sound is a random vibration. They are picked up by your mobile device's microphone and converted from audio to electrical in the app. This allows you to isolate noise of a strictly defined frequency and carry out only their measurements. After processing the data, the signal is transmitted to your phone. The value of the electrical signal will correspond to the value of the sound volume in decibels, and it is displayed on the graph in the Sound level meter application.