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14 Jan 2018
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Colorgrid GAME

The best time killer game. It’s not just another color-matching game for everyone!

Perhaps you’re so familiar with the classic matching games in which you need to line up or connect several same-color elements to resolve the game. However, we believe that Color Grid will definitely give you different experience of color-matching game. You can enjoy the classic game by playing Classic Mode & discover new elements and challenges in Master Mode.
Classically, try to match at least 3 blocks with the same color to blow them off the grid. When you’re in Master Mode, try to link at least 5 with the same color to get bonus elements. They are:
BUBBLE: to be awarded if you can match at least 5 green blocks. Tap to destroy 2 lines at the bottom of the grid
X5: to be awarded when you match at least 5 purples. It will give you 5 consecutive same color blocks.
SPIRAL: to be awarded when 5 blue blocks are matched. This element will destroy 12 blocks nearby.
CROSS: achieve when 5 reds are matched. All the blocks accord the cross will be cleared.
AMMO: it will help to destroy the top 3 lines of the grid. You can get it by matching 5 yellow blocks.

The game play is very simple yet addictive. Just tap the screen & move to aim. Lift your finger to release new color block and shoot it to the right cell in the grid. In the top of the grid, the current color and next color block will be showed. Pay attention to arrange and shoot the block with same colors to clear them off the grid. Your target is to clear as much blocks as possible while the lines are continuously pushed up. Try to get the bonus & combo as they’re not only helpful but also earn you many extra points.

Beautiful graphic & music.
Available in all Android phone ARMv7 or above with Android 2.2
HD version for Android tablet is available.
Real time 2D physic game play
More interesting elements in Master Mode
Share your score in Facebook with friends & family

There will be some advertisement in the game. If you don’t want the advertisement to be shown on the game you like, you can buy the key to unlock them. If you feel there’re too many advertisements or if you think they’re inappropriate, please email us at: support@


Anda dapat menikmati game klasik dengan memainkan Klasik Modus & menemukan unsur-unsur baru dan tantangan dalam Guru Mode.
Klasik, mencoba untuk mencocokkan minimal 3 blok dengan warna yang sama untuk meledakkan mereka dari grid. Ketika Anda berada di Guru Mode, mencoba untuk menghubungkan setidaknya 5 dengan warna yang sama untuk mendapatkan unsur bonus. Mereka:
BUBBLE: akan diberikan jika Anda dapat mencocokkan setidaknya 5 blok hijau. Tekan untuk menghancurkan 2 baris di bagian bawah grid
X5: akan diberikan ketika Anda cocok setidaknya 5 ungu. Ini akan memberi Anda 5 blok warna yang sama berturut-turut.
SPIRAL: akan diberikan ketika 5 blok biru dicocokkan. Elemen ini akan menghancurkan 12 blok di dekatnya.
LINTAS: mencapai ketika 5 merah dicocokkan. Semua blok selaras salib akan dihapus.
Amunisi: ini akan membantu untuk menghancurkan atas 3 baris dari grid. Anda bisa mendapatkannya dengan cara mencocokkan 5 blok kuning.

Bermain game sangat sederhana namun adiktif. Hanya tekan layar & pindah ke tujuan. Angkat jari Anda untuk melepaskan blok warna baru dan menembak ke sel tepat di grid. Di bagian atas grid, warna saat ini dan blok warna berikutnya akan menunjukkan. Perhatikan untuk mengatur dan menembak blok dengan warna yang sama untuk membersihkan mereka dari grid. Target Anda adalah untuk menghapus sebanyak blok mungkin sementara garis terus mendorong. Cobalah untuk mendapatkan bonus & combo karena mereka tidak hanya membantu tetapi juga memberi Anda banyak poin tambahan.
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