ICT Tower e-Pass APP
When the user launches the Mobile App, a welcome splash screen is displayed. After the welcome screen, the login screen will appear for the user to log in. Login screen also contains a “remember me” option and “reset password” option. Besides this, a visitor registration link will be provided soon.
After login to mobile app, user will see his/her dashboard where some user specific information is shown. Also, some menu shortcuts are available in dashboard like “create appointment”, “add visitor” etc. In menu of the mobile app, user will see 6 options:
• Dashboard
• New appointment
• Approved List
• Pending List
• Rejected List
• Add Visitor
Officials will be able to make all the actions like approve/reject appointment but visitor can only request the officials for an appointment. For now, only officials of ICT Tower can login to the mobile app, visitor login will come in next release.
• Simple dashboard for user
• Easy appointment system to enter into ICT Tower
• User friendly registration for visitor
• Confirmation alert for any action like create new appointment, approve appointment etc.
• Reduce hassle for visitor to enter into ICT Tower
• Ensure proper security for ICT Tower
• Easy access management of visitor