Make your smartest Condo with iCondomínio application

Latest Version

Jun 1, 2023
Google Play ID

App APKs

iCondominio APP

IMPORTANT: for the application of the operation, it is necessary that your condo is a client of a partner of iCondomínio Administrator.
If you already have a login and password for access to the Administrator Portal, use them to access iCondomínio.

The iCondomínio application has a number of features to make its most dynamic condominium and condominium your life easier. Change the way you interact with your condo, liquidator and neighbors.

Meet some resources:
- Send messages to the ordinance, liquidator and caretaker to communicate about any situation;
- Make space reserves and resources in an easy, simple and organized;
- Check your mail;
- Register a change with ease and convenience;
- Receive security alerts;
- Sign people, vehicles and also your pet;
- And much more!

Benefits for the joint owner:
- Intelligent communication with the ordinance;
- Full integration with the community;
- Convenience and practicality to situations of condominium life.

* The operation of some features depends on integration with other applications.
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