IARI Toppers : Agri App APP
List of Our Services -
We provides so many services like - Agriculture Current affairs PDF , Mock Test for Various Agriculture Exams , ICAR ECourse PDF which you can download in your device.
Recently we have added some new features like - Agronomy e course PDF, Horticulture E Course PDF Download , Dairy Technology PDF Download E krishi Shiksha.
We also help agriculture students by providing previous years question papers of various examinations like ICAR JRF Agronomy Horticulture Plant Science Agriculture Statistics Old Question Paper.
In our app there is a feature available named Agriculture Exam Discussion Desk where you can discuss with other students.
Agrimoon e course pdf and Bsc Agriculture Notes are also available in our app.
Now a days, ICAR revised course syllabus and Bsc Agri notes.
From last two years, Rajasthan Pre Pg Agriculture exam was conducted by agriculture university Kota. we also provides old question paper for Rajasthan pre PG , BHU PET Old Paper (Banaras Hindu University paper), IARI Old paper etc.
From this year (2020), we are providing IBPS AFO study material at minimal charges. Agriculture field officer 2020 - 2021 exam will be conducted by IBPS so generally it is known as IBPS Agriculture field officer.
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Visit our website - www.iaritoppers.com , www.iaritoppers.in
Disclaimer: This app doesn't represent a government entity.