HuYu is an initiative taken & developed just with a pure view of helping the serious minded professional people to find the like-wise same category business professionals, & opportunity in the nearby area. Many times it happens that an opportunity in human form is standing just right next to us, & we do not come to know about it. It has been rightly said "Opportunity just passed by".
There is a famous saying "Know Thyself" means "Be a Light Unto Yourself". Huyu is a humble initiative to make you a light, a burning torch, in this world, so that others can see you, can follow you.
It is a common thing in today's pre-existing app world that the apps helps you to find what you want, what you need. So up-till now it was a one way street that you are looking for opportunity, people & you had to go out & search. But now as you have the power of HuYu in your hand, let the people find you. Let people search you, mark your presence, feel your aura. Your Aura {i.e. your 1 kilometer { 0.621371 miles} to 10 kilometer { 6.21371 miles} radius in your HuYu app} will pull like magnet the like-wise people in your HuYu app.
When one is thirsty, naturally a person tends to find the place to quench, to satisfy the thirst, but what if a whole sea of water itself comes to you? Just think about the endless possibility & opportunity. Who knows by the time you launch this application on your mobile, the person nearby you turns out to be your potential client!
Why choose HuYu ?
One choose HuYu not just because of its mere beauty, but also for the reason that we have limited life time span on this earth, why we should waste time, energy, & money on finding the right connection, right people ? Let them find You! People join numerous business meetings, organizations with a hope to find right contact. We at HuYu will bring the right contact to you.
It is more like HuYu has find you. Millions of people are feeling this confusion about who is the Right contact to make?, & the universe has presented an answer in the form of HuYu.