Hotgram APP
HotGram messenger is an Unofficial app is now available in Arabic, Catalan, Nederlands, Francais, Persian, Turkish, Deutsch, Russian, Spanish and many more…
* It have Option direct share on any chat
* It have Option to show pone emoji's
* It have Option to use phone font
* It have Option to Change Voice
* It have Option to save data
* It have Option to show own photo or user photo in chat bubbles
* Group admin is shown in groups profile
* It have Option to discard proximity sensor changes when playing audio notes
* It have Option to show profile picture when clicking photo in main screen
* It have Option to show profile screen when clicking photo in main screen
* Change wallpaper directly from chat screen
* It have option to change chat emoji view size
* It have option to mute users or groups directly from main screen
* It have option to add member directly from chat screen