Horasad Mobile APP
1. Calculate and draw Thai astrology charts using Thai Suriyayaat scripture (similar to Suriyasidhanta.)
2. Calcualate and draw Thai astrology chart using Sidereal methods ( Lahiri or Fagen-Bradley ayanamsha.)
3. Using touch/finger gesture to move transit planet glyph(symbol) to find the date and time a planet enter the sign/navamsa or exact time conjunct any natal planet.
4. Display navamsa, drekana charts.
5. Show progress Lagna, ChansaJon, and others.
6. Mahadasa (108 years), Vimsottari dasa(120 years) 3 levels.
7. Display Thai horary charts.
8. Display detail every planets degree, minute, naksatra, etc.
9. Show planets aspect and Thai planet dignities.
10. Display traditional Reuk and Intapaat with delinations
11. Profile photo can be saved and share with ease (via camera or picture in gallery)