GPs fill your best care sheets with fees.

Latest Version

Nov 27, 2017

App APKs

Honoraires APP

General practitioners in mainland France and overseas territories, complete with your best care sheets with fees, the application already adopted by more than 5000 colleagues!

Fee is THE Android software for you to quickly and easily encode your actions (NGAP, CCAM) in all situations (consultations, visits) at any time of day or night.

*** NEWS ****
Updated with changes from 1 May 2017:
- C replaced by G,
- MNO / MGE replaced by MEG
- WCC for pediatric visits

Application features:
- high-speed interface to determine in less than 5 seconds to copy the codes on the care sheet and their respective amounts.
- Manage multiple pricing plans for metropolitan France and overseas territories.
- Determination of consulting fees depending on the patient's age, the context (emergency regulation unjustified visit, hospitalization output ...) and the time period (day, holiday, night, mid ... ).
- Automatic Proposal IK (mileage allowance) from the real road trip and depending on the geographical area (plain or mountain), address the firm and the current location (the road journey between the firm and the current place visit can be viewed on a map).
- acts Management ACPC most frequent, in consultation or visit, and their many modifiers (we submit the acts that you use if they are not yet included!). Favorites System acts used frequently.
- Fine management, designed especially for mountain doctors, CCAM acts of radiology and specific modifiers (C, D, E).
- Accumulated planned to achieving a smear and an ECG (ACPC acts) with NGAP quotes, in consultation or visit.
- Integration of the chapters of the NGAP regarding MSH increases, MIC, VL in order to check in any situation the validity of their complex application criteria.
- Presentation of the fee note with different codes, their respective price AMO / AMC shares (general scheme or Alsace-Moselle). Send note by email to a configurable default address to account for acts back to the office.
- Easy modification of the firm's default address for substitutes who often change their place of exercise.
- Updating of the price plan and CCAM acts automatically or with one click, via a remote server at no additional cost.

Fees was designed by the webmaster of, GP replacement, and realized by the company Alkeo (

Feel free to send us all your comments and suggestions for improvements! We will try to take best account for the evolution of this software.
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