Holy Bible APP
With more than 20 Million downloads, the Bible app is the favorite on the Play Store, rated thousands of 5-Star reviews.
Install the Bible application now and have access to all its content 100% free and without having to be connected to the internet. Use 100% offline.
The translations available in the Bible app were legally provided by Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil (SBB), Bíblica, Abba Press & Sociedade Bíblica Ibero-Americana
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Choose from the available translations the one you like best
* Almeida Revista e Corrigida (ARC)
* Almeida Revista e Atualizada (ARA)
*. King James Atualizada (KJA)
* Nova Tradução na Linguagem de Hoje (NTLH)
* Nova Versão Internacional (NVI)
* Nova Almedia Atualizada (NAA)
* Biblia Viva (BV)