Yo Achieve the Holistic Health for all by providing quality Homoeopathic Health Care in India.
To improve the Public Health in accordance with the Holistic principles of Homoeopathy.
To update with the latest work of the leading Homoeopaths across the Country and provide platform for interaction among st the practitioners.
To create the mass awareness campaign for Health with Homoeopathy on National as well as international platform.
To promote and advance the science of Homoeopathy and its education in india.
To promote and advance the science of Homoeopathy and Homoeopathic education in india in accordance with the basic principles of homoeopathy , as enunciated by Hahnemann.
To improve the public health in accordance with the Homoeopathic principles as applied to prevalent public health methods.
To maintain the honour and dignity and to uphold and safeguard the interests of the Homoeopathic profession.
To promote cooperation among the homoeopathic fraternity by forming a unitary national organisation of the Homoeopaths