HK Kalender APP
Languages: Danish, Swedish, English, German
A simple paper-like calendar. There is no way to sync with Google or Outlook, and it will probably never be made.
To write a text on a specific date, press simply on a date and then enter the desired text. There is no possibility of different colors and alarms.
Showing week number.
Can display all Danish holidays.
Events: Shows the birthdays and the like in red every year.
Various dates: Showing flag days and like every year.
Standard texts: Can be created and inserted with a few taps.
VoiceRec. Say text. Danish, English and any other languages that Google supports.
FTP Backup: Save all calendar data on your FTP server.
All data is stored on the SD card in the folder "\Android\data\com.HKKalender\files\" So take a copy of this folder if you want to have a backup.