Hitung Masa Subur APP
This Fertility Calculation Application helps you to calculate your fertile period based on your menstrual cycle. Knowing your fertile period increases the chances of having children. Because the process of fertilization or fertilization only occurs during ovulation or during the fertile period. How to calculate the fertile period with this application is very easy.
Another feature contained in this application is the gestational age. In this feature, you can calculate the current Gestational Age and of course the Estimated Day of Birth. The estimated weight calculation contained in our Gestational Age feature uses your BMI (Body Mass Index) scale first and then adds according to the BMI scale. To find out the BMI scale, you can install our other application BMI Mobile.
The next feature is the tips that we summarize from various sources. These tips can be your reading material while using this application. To read these tips you must activate the internet network.
The features of the application to calculate the fertile period are:
- Fertile time
- Gestational Age
- Tips - tips
This Fertility Period Calculation application can be a solution for calculating both the fertile period and gestational age. However, the accuracy of calculations is not always correct, so please understand.
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V 7.8.1
Min SDk 19
- Updated SDK 34
- August 27, 2023
- fix theme color change bugs
- adaptive banners
- December 26, 2020
- fix bugs
- added feature to calculate menstrual cycle interval (important)
- added settings menu
- added template color feature in settings
- Minimum OS Android KitKat 4.4
- input and suggestions please email, thanks
- April 05, 2019
V 3.10.1
-Fixed Bugs
- Added reminder feature
- Added privacy policy
- Requires permission to access the calendar
- October 02, 2018
-Fixed Bugs
- October 14, 2016
- Android Studio Engine
- Released October 14, 2016
- mbesu50