Histoires animées APP
animated stories is a collection of books for children (3-6 years) who invents a new way of reading, mixing paper and screen. By simply passing the tablet or smartphone over the book, the pages come to life like magic!
Birds fly, cats purr, ghosts raged, revving cars and roll ... the pictures come to life! The application also allows to interact with the characters and settings of the book, and to hear the story read by an actor.
animated stories is a multi-sensory experience of awakening to reading and digital, through fun and poetic interactions.
Books already available in bookstores:
Owl ! Lena Mazilu
Boyfriend ? Charlotte Gastaut
Afraid of the dark, me? Magali The Hutch
It's time to go to bed now! Edouard Manceau
Marion Billet 10 little monsters