Hindi Kundli APP
2.kundli milan by name: Just enter the name of male and female and get marraige matching of them in hindi.
3.Kundli Milan: Matching for marraige is received by giving the date of birth of a boy and a girl in hindi.
4.Daily rasifal: Just touch your rasi and get your daily rasifal in hindi.
5.Sapthahik rasifal: Weekly rasifal for all 12 rasis are available in hindi.
6.Masik rasifal: Complete analysis of monthly rasifal for all 12 rasis in hindi.
7.Yearly rasifal: Touch your rasi and get your yearly rasifal in hindi.
8.Calender: We bring to you the month wise calender with all details in hindi.
9.Panchang: We bring to you here daily important informations such as ragukaal,aspicious time,chaudhani,nakshatra etc for this week in hindi.
10.Virad dates: List of fasting days like Ekadashi,Purnima,Saptami,Astami,Sivratri etc are given here.
11.Muhurth dates: Auspicious muhurat dates for year 2017 are listed here in hindi.
12.Festival days: List of all hindu festivals with name and date are tabulated here.
13.Govt.holidays: List of holidays in India for year 2017 are charted here.
14.Sani parivardan: The effect of the changes of the planets and how you can avoid {remedies] for all 12 rasis are ready to read.
15.Nazar utharna: Remedies for evil eye are given here.
16.Lal kitab.Lal kitab is a remarkable branch of vedic history.Here we have given remedies for some problems from this red book.
17.Lucky gemstone:Just touch your rasi and select your lucky navarathna for the improvements in your life.
18.Sade sati;Saturn sade sati effects and remedies are listed here.
Download our app and plan your day ahead enjoy!