
Latest Version

Sep 28, 2020
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HimAsha APP

HimAsha is a mobile application developed by C-DAC Mohali for the promotion of self-entrepreneurship and the empowerment of SC, ST and women of Himachal Pradesh by dissemination of expert knowledge about various loan schemes offered by HPSCSTDC /Mahila Vikas Nigam; and Self-Entrepreneurship schemes on 14 vocations. This Mobile application is developed under IT for Masses project sponsored by MeitY.

Features of the Mobile App -
● To create awareness about self-entrepreneurship and soft loan schemes offered for the
empowerment of SC, ST and women in Himachal Pradesh by HPSCSTDC and HP MVN.
● Free of cost e-Content in local Hindi Language with 24X7 availability.
● Provides multimedia learning eContent from the expert institutes on the 14 self-entrepreneurship schemes and various loan schemes offered by the state departments.
● Supported by the expert Institutions for the promotion of Entrepreneurship & further
● Information of touch screen awareness Kiosks installed at district locations in Himachal

The Vocations for self-entrepreneurship are ;
1. A.C & Refrigeration repair
2. Electricity Goods Shop
3. Furniture Shop
4. Motor Spare Parts
5. Tourism and Motor Driving
6. Beauty Parlor
7. Bakery
8. Solar Energy
9. Mushroom Cultivation
10. Video production
11. Boutique
12. PC Hardware assembly
13. Dairy farming
14. Mobile phone repair
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