Hijri - Date Converter APP
This app has the following features:
•Display today's Hijri and Gregorian dates
•Calculates the exact age based on today’s Hijri Date.
•Calculates the exact age based on today’s Gregorian Date.
•Calculates the age based on 2 dates (available for both Hijri and Gregorian). For example, birth and death dates.
•Calculates your next birth date.
•Converts date from Gregorian to Hijri date.
•Converts date from Hijri to Gregorian date.
•Displays today's Hijri and Gregorian dates.
•The remaining days for the main Hijri Events such as Ramadan, Eid(s), and Hajj Season
You can also use this application to calculate the following:
•How many days are left for anniversaries or celebrations?
•How many days have you been subscribed to a specific membership?
•How many days are left for your wedding day?
•What is your Birthday in Hijri Calendar?
•How many days are left for your medicines or canned items to expire?
Download this app and find out more features.
Please feel free to suggest any other features at: Twitter:@AdeebJan or adeebahb@gmail.com