Higa Turnos APP
- Shift booking
- Modify, Cancel and/or Delete shifts
- Access to my account for shift management
- Availability check in real time
- More than 50 areas to request shifts
- Online tutorials for user assistance
- Continuous improvements and constant updates
- Available for Google play and WEB APP
- More info https://turnos.higa.net.ar
With H.i.g.a. Shifts General San Martin will be able to reserve a shift for the indicated area
- Select: "BOOK TURN"
- Then select the area of interest
- Select Date and then time.
- Now "Create an account" or "login with your user"
- Finally, confirm the shift and you will receive an email with the confirmation.
At GGDSIGN STUDIO we take care of innovating in terms of systems and integrations for continuous improvements.
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