hiFleet APP
HiFleet website: https://www.hifleet.com
Main Functions
1. Ship AIS Positioning for more than 1 million ship targets, and inside them, over 300K ships is updated with 150 million AIS reports per day.
2. Weekly updated global nautical charts
3. 3-month ship trajectory replaying for free
4. Ship particulars for over 200K ships
5. Ship route prediction in case there is a valid AIS destination
6. Route planning, dead reckoning and typhoon anti-collision simulation.
7. 10-day marine weather forecast and voyage simulation
8. Voyage speed analysis for each ship
9. Fleet managementand alerting,including arrival, departure, bad weather, earthquake, dragging, stop, over speed, side-by-side, deviation, signal lost and recovery, voyage information alteration, etc.
10. Filter the marine traffic with various conditions, such as ship type, DWT, draught, etc.
11. Follow customized destination, and filter the expected arrival ships with various conditions, such as ship type, DWT, draught, etc.
12. Geo fence drawing and alert rule setup