View Booster: Views For Views APP
View Booster application is a video promoter, watching app which helps in getting views on a video. It enables to increase viewers on the videos. It has a user friendly interface which is simple and easy to understand. Various categories of videos can be watched. Money can be earned by help of this app by increasing the duration of videos and getting more viewers.
Videos of other people can also be watched and promoted to earn virtual currency. An individual can make his own video also and promote it by redeeming the virtual currency. Analyzation of video can also be done by the individual. For adding the video, link have to be copied and video will be shown for promotion. Virtual currency needs to be earned by following ways-
1. Watching videos of other people.
2. Referring app to your friends
3. Buying directly in-app purchases.
A productivity app for getting more and more views and to decrease or increase the duration of the video enables to reach the individual’s monetisation goal in a more convenient way. It enables to boost the views of the video and mutually viewing of videos helps to improve the views of the videos and helping each other to grow together.
Install - Watch - Grow!