Updates for Whatsapp is an app to update to the latest version of WhatsApp

नवीनतम संस्करण

4 जुल॰ 2016
Google Play ID
इंस्टॉल की संख्या

App APKs

Updates for Whatsapp- Beta APP

Updates for Whatsapp is an app to update to the latest version of WhatsApp for Android. Beta Updates for Whatsapp checks the latest beta version available on whatsapp.com and enables you to install it automatically.
WhatsApp publishes beta updates on their website before they become available on Google Play. This means that the latest features aren't available on Google Play until several weeks later (like audio calls, backup to Google Drive and new UI changes).

When a user wants to have these beta updates, the regular method is downloading the APK file from the website and installing it manually. Beta Updater does that automatically.


Inbuilt Automatic downloader
Notification alert of new update

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