सात दिनों में 700 से अधिक ब्रिटेन स्थानों के लिए टेबल और चार्ट ज्वार।

नवीनतम संस्करण

3 अग॰ 2016
Google Play ID
इंस्टॉल की संख्या

App APKs

UK Tides APP

Seven days tides tables and charts for more than 700 UK locations.
- Channel Islands
- England
- Ireland
- Isle of Man
- Northern Ireland
- Scotland
- Wales

Displays sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset times and moon phase.

Uses geolocation to find closest locations.

4 home screen widgets:
- 1x1: displays time and height of next tide
- 2x1: displays time and height of last and next tides
- 3x1: displays time and height of last and next two tides
- 4x1: displays time and height of last and next three tides
Low tides have a light blue background and high tides a dark blue.

Can be moved to SD card (incompatible with widget use).
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