Ramayana Prashnavali APP
Ramayana Prashnavali is a 15x15 grid. Each square in the grid has one Akshar (Hindi alphabet) from nine chopais (couplets) of Shri Ram Charit Manas. As per the procedure written in Ramayana, the user has to close his / her eyes and put his / her finger on the grid. The akshars from every ninth square starting from the square selected are taken and joined. This forms one chopai (couplet) and the prediction is based on the chopai so formed.
To overcome selection of square by closing of eyes by the user, we have hidden the grid under 'OM' image and formation of the chopai (couplet) has been programmed.
Prediction Procedure:
1. Pray to Lord Shri Ram / the God and concentrate on your question.
2. Ask the question in your mind in clear and distinct words.
3. Tap once anywhere on the OM image on the next page. Behind the image, 225 squares are hidden.
4. Ramayana Prashnavali will get you the answer/prediction to your question according to position of your tap.
5. Please ask only one question a day.
6. Tap only once as tapping more than once shows lack of faith in God.