HJ-Story - Messages of Love: A simple comic about simple love.

नवीनतम संस्करण

18 जुल॰ 2015
Google Play ID
इंस्टॉल की संख्या

App APKs

HJ Story Messages of Love APP

The long awaited HJ Story App is now available for Android!
HJ Story: Messages of Love is a compilations of little stories about love, humor, and life. With 100k+ and growing fans on Facebook, now you can enjoy all the comics on the go, hoping to bring a smile to everyone's face.

Amazing features include:

-Customize text for selected images to add your own personal touch and share it with your love ones!
-Android only content
-Get access to latest and all of HJS images with auto-update and push notification
-Save your favorite images for a personal favorite collection
-Share via Facebook/Twitter/Instagram
-Save images to your photo Album
-Easy to use UI and image navigation
-Swipe for next image, tap to open menu, tap & hold for text description

Let's spread the love and happiness together!

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