शरीर के आकार या स्तन की तरह शरीर के अंगों को बढ़ाना संपादित करें, प्लास्टिक सर्जरी के साथ बट।

नवीनतम संस्करण

21 जून 2019
इंस्टॉल की संख्या

App APKs

Body Shape Surgery Editor APP

Body Shape Editor is a Photo Studio which can enlarge Boobs, make bigger Eyes or round your Butt and other Body Parts like a Cosmetic Surgery. See how you would look after nip and tuck or cosmetic operation and increase your Beauty to get the perfect Shape.

Instruction: Open up a Photo from Gallery or take a Picture. Touch on the Position you want to resize. Edit the radius or scale value to get the perfect result when do a Breast Enlargment. Save and share with your Friends!

Get an Idea how you look like after a Body Shape Plastic Surgery or just enlarge your Breast or other Body Parts.
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