आधिकारिक Blokada ऐप के साथ अपनी गोपनीयता को सुरक्षित रखें।

नवीनतम संस्करण

30 मई 2023
इंस्टॉल की संख्या

App APKs

Blokada 5 Slim APP

This is the only official app on Play Store from the Blokada open source project. Beware of clones, they may contain malicious code.

Blokada Slim is a free app that uses DNS (Domain Name System) servers to enable you to have a better browsing experience to see only the content you want.

There is also a built in VPN that is optional to use.

The website of the project is: https://blokada.org. The version from the website has more features and is also free.

Join us on our Telegram chat if you have questions or feedback: https://go.blokada.org/chat


Best features:
- NO root permissions required!
- Supports every web browser and apps.
- DNS based interception (VPN mode) for all modern browsers.
- Blocks sites that distribute malicious content, viruses and fraudulent websites.

The most compatible content blocker on the market!

• ❎ Blocks content
• 💰 Saves your data plan
• 🛵 Browse FASTER by loading less data
• 🔋 Increase battery life
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