BetterPlace के फ्री ऐप से आप अपने ही शहर में नौकरी ढूँढ सकते हैं |

नवीनतम संस्करण

7 नव॰ 2021
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इंस्टॉल की संख्या

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BetterPlace APP

With over 900+ companies actively searching for candidates with over 10Lakhs + Jobs.
Getting a job is just a click away. You can search & apply to jobs in 4 simple steps.
Download the free app -> Create your account -> Search for jobs by location/ salary/ skill -> Apply

Top Roles – Delivery Boy, Delivery Girl, HouseKeeping Executive, Driver, Security Guard, Sewing Machine Operator, Sales Executive, Retail Sales Associate, Academic Counsellor, Electrician, Plumber, Construction Worker, HomeCook, Babysitter, Caretaker, Automotive Technician, Warehouse Assistant, Picker, Loader, Fitter, Bike Taxi Rider, Telecalling Sales Executive, Call Centre Executive, HomeNurse, Accounts Executive, Machine Operator, Automotive Assembler, Beautician, Billing Executive, Carpenter, Data Entry Operator, Fabric Cutter, Mason, Jewellery Maker, Medical Representative, Mobile Phone Assembler, Quality Control Executive, Spa Therapist, Waiter, Receptionist

Top Industries/ Sectors – Automotive, Logistics, Telecom, Apparel, Healthcare, Electronics & Hardware, IT/ ITES, Retail, Tourism & Hospitality

Top Locations – Delhi, NCR, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Surat, Lucknow, Kanpur, Coimbatore

Top Hiring Companies – Flipkart, Zomato, Uber, Rapido, Howwdy, Zolo Stays, Swiggy, Welspun, Just Dial, Vedantu, Licious, Urban Ladder, Accenture, JLL, OLA, UrbanCompany, Reliance, Bajaj Auto, MG Motors

Process -
1. Download BetterPlace app
2. Create an account
3. Apply for jobs
4. Get hired

Following the interview process, you can check your interview status (on the app) regarding selection & joining confirmation.
That’s it! It is that simple

Install now :
What are you waiting for? We will be so happy to have you on-board. Hurry up & install now!
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