फ्री मौसम ऐप - सटीक मौसम का पूर्वानुमान, रडार, मानचित्र, अलर्ट, सिटी न्यूज़

नवीनतम संस्करण

2 सित॰ 2018
इंस्टॉल की संख्या

App APKs

Best Free Weather App APP

• App provides accurate and up to date Current Weather, Hourly Forecast, 5 Days Forecast, 16 Days Forecast, Global Weather Maps
• It’s a unique app which provides custom SMS/email and push alerts to user about sever weather.
• It provides critical lifesaving alerts if a critical weather is determined by app algorithm in area. Based upon the alert users can take cover or actions proactively.
• The app also has a section for News which provides latest real time local news of user’s city.
• App also has a section where user can upload pictures and videos of weather and these will be reviewed by admin before publishing.
• There is a section of live local radar with details like Temperature, Clouds, Precipitation, Wind.
• It also has a section for viewing Worldwide current weather on Map.
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