सौंदर्य कैमरा बुद्धिमान सौंदर्य के युग खोलें

नवीनतम संस्करण

18 दिस॰ 2024
इंस्टॉल की संख्या

App APKs

Beauty Camera APP

Beauty Camera,makes something different everyday~
Smart / Special / Sweet / Super / Senior
Over 3.5hundred million users, it is the first selfie APP with beautify function in China.
From skin to total outlook, it makes you born with beauty and chic.

❤Smart -Your smart camera
Customization Beauty: Custom the size of face and eyes, the buffing strength. Design your own beauty.

❤High Definition: Optimize beautify technology, more accurate to detect face and higher definition photo.

❤Real-time Filter: Textured filters can match your mood.

❤Smart Fill Light: Intelligentized selfie’s light, even in dark environment.

❤Beauty Factory: Whether big eyes or Roman nose, nice jaw or perfect smile, we can make them.

❤Cosmetics: Automatic detect face feature. Make up top brands’ style only by one botton.
DIY Make Up: Blusher、lipstick、eye shadow、eyelashes、contact lenses and etc. You can DIY any part of it

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