HEY Bracelet APP
In order to use your HEY bracelet you need the HEY app. After creating a HEY account in the app and connecting your smartphone and bracelet via Bluetooth, you can send and receive touches to and from other HEY users. The app is really easy to use and it’s free!
Free and easy-to-use app, tailor-made for the HEY bracelet
The HEY app lets you:
• Create a personal HEY account;
• Connect your smartphone with your HEY bracelet via Bluetooth;
• Setup your HEY bracelet;
• Send and receive invitations to get in touch with other HEY users;
• Send* and receive touches;
• Keep track of touches sent and received;
• Send touches including your location, so the receiver knows where you are.
*That means you can send touches if your HEY bracelet’s battery is empty. Woohoo!
Get in touch if you have a question or a suggestion or idea that could make the app even better. Contact us at info@heybracelet.com or via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HEYbracelet/.