Her Circle APP
Engage: The edit team’s day is centred on bringing you credible information surrounding wellness, beauty, fashion, finance, career and pop-culture. Our platform also has its roots in applauding those who make a difference; thus, we take great pride in introducing women achievers from around the world. And if watching videos is your thing, we have ample in-store.
Connect: There is absolutely nothing that some time out with like-minded individuals cannot solve, and that’s our aim with our social platform. Tell friends about your day or simply, exchange book suggestions, we would love to hear from you.
Goals: Track your life goals. Save money, gain fitness, track your period, find your fertile window and get a pregnancy guide. It’s all meant to help you monitor your personal and professional goals.
Grow: They say, one never stops learning. Thus, how about learning from the best? Our masterclasses and creative corner videos are perfect for when you want to add to your skills.
Help: Our panel of experts is available at the click of a button to help you in any way possible. Free of cost.
Join our movement, and let’s walk together!