Helsenorge APP
Now it is easier than ever to log in to Helsenorge. Use personal code, face recognition or fingerprints. Then you get access to new messages and events, and a variety of public services that help you follow up your own health.
More and more people are using Helsenorge, either because they are ill and in a course of treatment, are relatives, or focus on prevention to stay healthy. By accepting our terms of use, you get access to a number of self-service solutions. You can contact various therapists, and you can see health information that is registered about you, your children and others you represent by proxy.
Many have services from their GP at Helsenorge, such as appointments, e-consultation and prescription renewal. If you are going or have been admitted to some hospitals in Norway, you can see hours, referrals and have access to your medical record. You can apply for reimbursement for patient travel, check exemption cards and deductibles, and see an overview of corona test results, prescriptions, medicines and vaccines you have taken. At Helsenorge you can also see what your core journal contains. You will also find several useful courses and tools that can help you master your health and life situation.
Helsenorge is constantly expanding with new content and a richer range of services. More information about the services and which services you have access to, can be found at Helsenorge.
Do you have questions?
Contact Helsenorge guidance for help, user support and more information on 23 32 70 00.
Helsenorge is delivered and operated by Norsk Helsenett SF.