Musical ear - absolute pitch.

Latest Version

Sep 11, 2024
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Hearing: ear training. Piano. APP

How to identify musical notes by ear?
Want to transcribe or play music by ear?
Want to improve your hearing skills?

Do ear training exercises. A well-developed relative or absolute pitch is necessary for every musician.

Practice melodic dictations. Train sight reading to read sheet music and music notes. Learn to sing according to notes. Develop musical hearing with us.

You can practice musical ear using following instruments:

- vocals
- piano
- guitar
- bass-guitar
- violin
- cello
- double bass

Types of musical notations:
- C D E F G A B
- C D E F G A H
- Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si
- До Ре Ми Фа Соль Ля Си
- Ντο Ρε Μι Φα Σολ Λα Σι
- ハ ニ ホ ヘ ト イ ロ
- 다 라 마 바 사 가 나
- स रे ग म प ध नि
- ด ร ม ฟ ซ ล ท
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