Heare Brotherhood APP
This app is a place for daily mental, social, and spiritual wellness practices. We host and facilitate live virtual meditations, gratitude practices, breathwork, journaling exercises, regular check-ins, weekly prayer circle, group sharing and discussions, and more.
It is a safe space for men to do the work, to show up with openness, integrity, and accountability.
This space is holy ground.
We are here to hear.
The Heare Brotherhood also hosts and facilitates live events such as transformational retreats, hikes and cold plunges, breathwork classes, workshops, seminars, etc. Find these events on the app or on the hearebros.com website.
The Heare Brotherhood Oath:
I vow to be my brother’s keeper. A silent watchful guardian over those in darkness. A listening ear to those in pain. A provider for those in need. A leader to those lost, and a hand to those in deep waters.
I am a son, father, and brother to those who need me. I will uphold the duties and responsibilities bestowed upon me.
Through any obstacle or trial, I will be there for my brothers in need. I will leave no man behind in the darkness, or to be left alone or afraid.
Our love and dedication goes beyond color, belief, culture, status, nationality and blood. We cannot and will not be divided.
In my times of need I will reach out. I will talk, and I will remember those who need and love me. I will remember that I am loved. I will never forget my brothers who are there for me.
I am here to hear.
This is my promise, this is my responsibility, my oath.
This is my Heare Brotherhood.