Heal With Music APP
stress, anxiety and depression with scientifically researched and tested healing essence
of classical Indian ragas (specific arrangements of musical notes).
Musicare brings to fore the well documented science of music and its application in
medical therapy from various ancient Indian texts and contemporary sources of
classical Indian musicians and their thesis in the subject.
Our aim is to introduce people across the world to classical Indian ragas ( sequential
notes of music) and experience for themselves the therapeutic effect it is has on
their physical, mental and emotional health.
The team behind conceiving and programming this unique venture is a combination of
practising medical professionals, classical indian musicians, researchers, singers, IT
professionals, and professionals from art and communication, who have worked
extensively to understand the science of ragas and bring them to life in every degree of
precision in every note, before digitising this classical Indian music therapy to make
it easily available across the globe for the benefit of mankind.