Headache Calendar APP
You will receive specific tailored advice in relation to your registrations and medication use.
The headache charts shows trends for your headaches in a visual image.
Explore how different treatments and lifestyle changes can lead to fewer and milder headaches.
The Headache Calendar is part of Medguideline.
A digital online solution that guides doctors in medical guidelines and simplifies communication between doctors and patients.
You manage your own data and can easily share temporarily with your doctor at http://medguideline.com
The Headache Calendar has been developed by KBB Medic AS, in collaboration with neurologist Andrej Netland Khanevski (Ph.D.) and Vojtech Novotny (Ph.D.) at the Department of Neurology, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway and headache specialist Tine Poole (MD) and neurologist Aud Nome Dueland (Ph.D.)