Comprehensive and systematic guide to Sawlaah/Namaaz.

Latest Version

Mar 29, 2024

App APKs

Hayya Alas Salah APP

“Hold on to your Sawlaah because if you lose that, you will lose everything else.”
- Prophet Muh’ammad (SAW)

Sawlaah/Namaaz is the greatest wireless connection to Allawh. It enables Muslims to strengthen our relationship with Allawh and serves as a regular reminder of His Greatness. Sawlaah/Namaaz is the nourishment for the soul, as food and water is for the body. Sawlaah/Namaaz is essentially the key to distinction between the state of Kufr and Imaan.
H'aiyya A'las* Sawlaah is a user-friendly illustrated Android application in English transliteration from Urdu aimed at learning to offer Sawlaah/Namaaz efficiently as taught to us by our beloved Prophet Muh’ammad(SAW). This comprehensive instructive guide on performing Sawlaah/Namaaz explains its every aspect, navigating from fundamentals to advanced concepts. So, whether you are a novice or regularly offer Sawlaah/Namaaz, you will definitely learn something new from this App. The systematically organized topics in this app offer a step by step introduction to the following facets closely associated with Sawlaah/Namaaz in accordance with the H'anafee method of Namaaz (Imaam Aboo Haneefah’s teachings):

1. Significance and benefits of Sawlaah/Namaaz
2. Anatomy of Sawlaah/Namaaz
3. Details of obligatory, non-obligatory and occasional prayers
4. Commonly committed mistakes in Sawlaah/Namaaz
5. Az’aan and Iqaawmat
6. Masjid structure, etiquettes, supplications and the importance of Jamaa-a’t
7. Significance of cleanliness, performance of Wuzoo, Gusl and Tayammum
8. Garments and adornment for Sawlaah/Namaaz
9. Glossary for all related Shar-e’e Terms

Let’s guide and help each other perfect the third crucial pillar of Islaam- Sawlaah/Namaaz.
Constructive feedback is genuinely appreciated. Always remember us in your Dua’a!
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