Hapai APP
Each week, the Hapai app provides updates about your baby’s development, changes to your body and things to do in preparation for your big day. Simply enter your due date, and Hapai will calculate how many weeks along you are and how many days left until baby’s arrival, all while providing you with helpful tools and resources to guide you through your pregnancy.
The Hapai app features:
• A Week-By-Week calendar filled with useful information about your body, your baby and what you should keep in mind during each stage of pregnancy.
• The ability to add Reminders and Notes.
• A useful Checklist to keep track of all the things to do leading up to your big day. Hapai comes with a list of important things to check off from the experts at Kapiolani Medical Center and Wilcox Medical Center, and you can add your own checklist items, too.
• A free Contraction Counter. Simply hit “start” and “stop” and Hapai will keep track of how long and how far apart your contractions are.
• Feeding Timer and Log. Just a few taps and Hapai will keep a running log of your baby’s feedings – when, how long and whether you use breast or bottle.
• Weekly Baby Names. You don’t need a book to see lists of baby names – traditional, popular and more.
• Resources. Tap into the extensive resources available from Kapiolani, Wilcox and Hawaii Pacific Health.
Hapai is a free resource from Hawaii Pacific Health. To learn more about Hawaii Pacific Health, visit: https://www.hawaiipacifichealth.org/about-us/overview/