Hacoupian APP
The most significant facilities of the Hacoupian Application are as follows:
✓ Spotting the nearest stores.
✓ Searching the stores.
✓ Viewing the latest collections. ( Soon)
✓ Storing the existing products in the window and viewing their prices.
✓ Offering suggestions and making criticisms.
✓ Having an access to the membership information.
✓ Having an access to the VIP Card.
✓ Checking the stored and available credit in the membership card.
✓ Checking the invoices.
✓ Changing the membership information.
✓ Viewing the latest news.
✓ And etc.
In order to log in to the members area, the subscription code imprinted on your VIP Card along with your National Code should be entered.
In case you are not a Hacoupian Member, you can visit our nearest store or call us at +98-21-96621000.