• Choice of club and coach
Start by choosing a club or coach by geolocation, description, rating and reviews in the GYMBO app. All ratings and reviews are moderated and are available only to verified users who have activated their subscriptions in specific clubs - and only on them they can leave a review. Therefore, the reviews are 100% real. They make it much easier to choose a new club or coach.
• Online payment for subscriptions
Pay for a subscription or training online at the prices of the club. Part of the cost can be paid with bonuses that you receive are accumulated in the application and are saved when changing clubs or coaches.
• View electronic schedule
Study the schedule of classes in the context of directions and trainers. Sign up in 2 clicks for training.
• Record and cancel workouts in two clicks
If plans have changed, just cancel or reschedule your workout right in the app in two clicks. There is no need to call the administrator.
• Ratings, reviews and ratings
Rate and leave feedback after visiting the club or training. It can be a thank you or advice on what else can be improved. Rating based on your ratings and reviews helps other users to choose the most suitable place for training. Only verified users can rate and only after they have used a specific service in a specific club, so reviews and ratings in GYMBO can be trusted one hundred percent.