GVA +Salut APP
Access is done through three possible forms of authentication: indication of the SIP number, date of birth and card issuance, and confirmation by sending a validation SMS code to the mobile phone number of the registered user, indicating the date of birth. and scanning the barcode of the health card or through Cl@ve. The access credentials of as many users as desired can be stored for reuse in subsequent uses, having a security system based on biometric data or protected by password.
The Ministry of Universal Health and Public Health is responsible for and author of the information displayed in the application, in addition, it guarantees the privacy and protection of your data (http://www.san.gva.es/es/web/ app-gva-mes-salut/data-protection). Likewise, the Ministry guarantees that personal information will be stored and used in a sufficiently secure manner, for the time necessary and only to provide the personalized services described above.
To safeguard the information of the user/patient, this application uses the secure HTTPS protocol for all communications with the servers.