GrowMe APP
Grow Me incorporates super simple, pioneering techniques that develop cognitive skills and encourage life-changing behaviors that are essential for long-term success. Each week introduces a growth principle with a deep dive into the reason(s) the growth-thinking principle is important. The weekly lessons all include a little fun science in client-friendly formats like short animated videos and other digital mediums. To close the lesson, there is an activity that relates to the principle and science introduced that week. The activities are designed to help participants define their values, align their goals and partner with a coach to make easy, systematic changes that – over time- will change the trajectory of their poverty fight.
The first third of the program really places focus on the sense of self. The middle third of the lessons works on self-regulation and positive habit-formation. To close the year, there is an emphasis on giving-back or paying forward. Grow Me’s chat option establishes healthy and necessary interaction with the coach over time. The customer drives the frequency and the authenticity of the relationship to a degree, inspiring a sense of mutual respect and trust. Although Grow Me can be facilitated as a self-guided journey through the 52-week program, a long-term coaching relationship is encouraged and supported through the chat function.
This application pairs nicely with career readiness and financial literacy programing. It is a winner for Community Action agencies, Head Start Programs for their family service component, Housing Authorities, Workforce Investment Centers, non-profits with case management programs, churches, or any organization that would like to offer coaching in an inexpensive, customer-friendly platform.