Grimaldiness APP
From here you can read the news that will be published by the staff
Grimaldiness. They are automatically updated. It can also be
performed a manual update by dragging the news down.
Here you can view the courses active on the date indicated above and carry out the
reservations by clicking on one of them. You can change the date using the buttons in
high or tapping on the date itself. Reservations can be
carried out from 24 hours from the beginning of the course up to half an hour from the beginning. Self
a successful booking the course bar will turn red. If the maximum number of reservations has been reached, you can enter the waiting list.
From this screen you can chat with the Grimaldiness staff.
Contact information and privacy.
PROFILE (Shown if you are already logged in)
Here you can view the active reservations in your name.
LOGIN (Shown if you have not yet logged in)
Enter the code at your disposal to login. You won't have to
log in more after the first time, unless you log out
in the PROFILE section.
Notifications will be sent to you when:
1 - There is a new news
2 - A message is sent to you by the staff
3 - You have moved from the list pending to a reservation made