Graveyard Cleaning GAME
Graveyard cleaning will give you the satisfaction you can get from cleaning games while remembering famous celebrity characters throughout history!
First you need to find a grave of a celebrity. Second, do a deep clean of your favorite dead celebrity grave (we have like a billion graves ) ,and third, make the grave be a happy grave!
They will be grateful for that (or maybe grave-full?) We all know that celebrity dead people like to have a clean stairway to heaven, but their tombstone is just important!
Don’t worry (: it’s not scary! Only if you are afraid of cleaning chores! We are dead serious when we say It’s the best cleaning game out there and there are a billion graves waiting for you here.
Find a grave, earn some Karma points by doing a deep clean to the tombstones of popular celebrities and see what they've left behind!
Come on! Make that tombstone a happy grave!
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