Graha Transits APP
The app provides up to date information on the current transits and its influence. Also provides in depth details of the factors affecting the transit such as Vedha (blockage), Vakra (retrograde) and positional influences such as Exaltation, Debilitation etc. The app evaluates the nature of the transit and its effects specific to one's horoscope as per the Gochara system.
Includes 'Sade Sathi Shani' details as well as 'Guru Bala' details when applicable in a horoscope as well as 'Bhrigu Bindu' transit timing and its effects.
The app can be configured to display transit results from either the Chandra Lagna (Moon) or the native Lagna (Ascendant). Also provides the 'Nakshatra' transit details for all planets.
Multiple profiles are supported so you can save and lookup the details of your loved ones too!
Enjoy the app! It's absolutely FREE!!!
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