GoWatch APP
Integrated with the GoAwake platform, the collected data is sent by GoWatch, processed, and analyzed to offer valuable insights. Users have the ability to view the history of recorded metrics, allowing the identification of patterns, trends, and potential areas of improvement.
Alerts and Notifications: The application is configured to send personalized alerts and notifications based on predefined parameters. This allows users to be promptly informed about any anomalies, exceeded limits, or critical conditions, enabling a quick and appropriate response.
Integration with Devices and Sensors: GoWatch seamlessly supports integration with a wide variety of sensors, allowing accurate collection of telemetry or vital data.
Security and Privacy: Data security is a priority, and the application employs advanced security measures to protect personal and telemetry information. Data is transmitted with encryption, ensuring users' privacy.
GoWatch is an essential tool for those who prioritize the safety of their collaborators, providing valuable data to improve performance, safety, well-being, or efficiency in different scenarios.